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Feeding America

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Feeding America Empty Feeding America

Post by Admin Thu Jan 05, 2023 3:19 pm


Feeding America, provides a website that is easy to use and informative. On this site you can enter your zip code and a list of organizations along with their phone number will pop up. Once you select an organization and click on it, you will be directed to the exact address you need to pick up the food. I suggest you call the phone number provided to make sure no appointment or paperwork is needed. 

Other services Feed America helps with are:

       Backpack Program

       Drive-Thru Pantry
 School Pantry Program

       School Breakfast Program

       Senior Food Programs

       SNAP Application Assistance


       Assistance Programs
Under the assistance tab, you can find help with Energy Assistance, Internet, water and waste water bills, health insurance, taxes, disaster relief, and seniors. 

The information I have provided on this post is directly from website, Copyright 2023. 

I hope this posting is of help to you, please pass on this information to anyone you think may be in need of food or services mentioned. 


Posts : 42
Join date : 2019-05-09

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