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Post by Admin Fri Nov 13, 2020 9:52 pm


If you are able to grow your own vegetables good for you. I love my potted vegetable garden. I have grown strawberries, bell peppers, tomatoes, string beans, potatoes, etc. All of these can be frozen. 

The vegetables frozen in this video were store bought but you can follow these same rules when harvesting your own garden. 

I start my freezing plan by finding the least expensive price for the most produce I can buy. I look up prices online but I really find the best deals in person at the stores. I love hunting down the bargains and clearance items. The trick is to make sure that as soon as you buy the items you are able to freeze or store it for future use.

I shopped at a meat market and found the broccoli for very cheap. I got three rosettes for a wopping $1. I purchased $3 worth. 

I purchased a bag of carrots for $1 that would of normally cost $3.99 and a 5lb bag of cut okra that was $1.50. 

At the supermarket I found green bell peppers, four for $1.25 on the clearance rack and bought four packages. The regular price for the bell peppers was $1 each. I did have to throw away 2 of the peppers because they were too for gone and not usable but I saved the seeds to prepare them for planting next spring so it wasn't a total waste.

After washing, peeling, cutting, blanching and packaging I have enough produce to last me three months. It sounds like a lot of work but considering how much money and time you save by having it already sorted and clean it will all be worth it.

To watch the full video on how to prepare produce for freezing use the link below.

                                                     ......Freeze Veggie ........

If you are using freezer bags your veggies will last 8 to 12 months. If you vacuum seal the vegetables they can last up to three years in the freezer. In this video I used freezer bags because the amount of produce I packaged will be used in a three month span of time with the holidays around the corner. Any other time I use the vacuum seal bags. 

Even if you have never frozen produce before it is simple enough to make it a way of doing things. As a tip, if you visit your markets at least three times a month, look for the clearance items or ask an employee you will get a feel for when items go to these discounted areas. Buy only what is on clearance or sale and soon enough you will have enough frozen produce to fill your freezer. You will also know that it hasn't been frozen in a loose bag or freezer burned.

Posts : 42
Join date : 2019-05-09

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