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Post by Admin Sun Nov 01, 2020 12:13 am


As if 2020 wasn't a horror all on its own this year it came with a full, bright moon and it even snowed the day before.

There are many houses decorated for the holiday and many porch lights left on to welcome trick or treaters. I was left with candy that I had no kids to hand it out to. The lack of trick or treaters this year was eerie. 

As I drove through the neighborhood to take pictures of the houses that were decorated I didn't see a kid in sight. I saw a couple of out door Halloween parties and that was nice to see.  HALLOWEEN 2020 20201035

HALLOWEEN 2020 20201034

I even dressed up this year.

HALLOWEEN 2020 20201033

I know most of us are looking forward to 2021 and hoping it comes with a clean slate. Although Halloween isn't an important holiday, The difference I felt this year is just another reminder of how things have changed so drastically. 

Now I plan on making Thanksgiving and Christmas about the good we can do and not on how its changed because that is a given.

You can post your Halloween costumes in the comments if you would like so we can all share a virtual Halloween SPOT. If enough people share their pic I will have a gift card of $25 for the best photo. A recipient will be decided if at least 15 people participate.

Posts : 41
Join date : 2019-05-09

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