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Post by Admin Sat Dec 12, 2020 12:32 am


Through this pandemic we are living one of the major needs is food. The food insecurities world wide has grown to an alarming number. Even the places that help are running low on supplies and donations.

Here in the United States we have help. Comparing ourselves to other countries we are doing well. We are all experiencing the same pandemic worldwide but not experiencing the same help. 

The lack of work has put a lot of people in the bind of choosing to keep the roof over their head or eating. Some people have a place to live but have no hot water or electricity or a way to heat their homes. 

We Americans have the privilege of having access to food pantries, a mobile food trucks, churches that provide help and SNAP program to name a few. During a time of need we might loose sight that these things are not only a privilege but life saving and available when and if we need them. 

We might find it hard to help each other out when some of us might be in self preservation mode but I am a firm believer that when we do good we receive it back ten times fold. Even if it is just taking in the joy of helping someone who otherwise would not find help. 

I don't know how I could help globally but I think a good way we can help someone is to purchase a $5 gift card for a grocery store and gift it to someone. Most stores offer gift card from $5 to $500. Giving what you can comfortably share would not only make you feel great but help someone not go to bed hungry. To most of us $5 isn't much but to a hungry person it means that they will not have an empty stomach or hungry children.

If you have the means and can purchase items in bulk and spread them as far as it can go, this is also a way to help. For example if all you can afford to get is a large bag of rice, you can divide it by how many people you plan to help and make a change even if for just a couple of days.

Purchasing food items or produce that give the most bang for your dollar and are able to be eaten on their own is also a great way to help. Potatoes, rice, pasta, carrots, yams and root veggies, cornmeal if water is available, beans, etc. These items are very filling and can make the difference in how long someone holds on.

A hot meal is hard to come by  when homeless. Cooking a large batch of some type of filling food and handing it out would help. I know that due to Covid-19 restrictions we must social distance but where there is a will there is a way. Finding a community agency that already is helping and approaching them with  plan may help to get the ball rolling to get something done. I would think that having every one wait out side, at least six feet apart as recommended by the CDC (Center for Disease Control) would be safe and help the hungry.

Posts : 42
Join date : 2019-05-09

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